About STEMpathic Career Coaching
I established my career coaching practice to provide top-notch career management and coaching to professionals and academics in business and STEM fields. Change is hard—whether changing jobs in the same profession / industry, accelerating your advancement, or making a career pivot between roles and/or industry, academia and/or government. With my head and my heart, I make that change easier and less stressful.
What is STEMpathy?
“The best jobs in the future are going to be what I call ‘STEMpathy jobs’ —
jobs that blend STEM skills (science, technology, engineering, math) with human empathy.
We don’t know what many of them will look like yet.”
— Thomas Friedman, New York Times 11/2/16
I know what one of them looks like—I created it:
STEMpathic Coach.
STEM refers to my special expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, business and academic fields and related industry sectors.
It also reflects my extensive experience in industry and academia in research, engineering, manufacturing and managerial roles in Silicon Valley.
I am also naturally empathic and understanding—qualities that attracted friends, colleagues and co-workers to seek me out as an informal counselor, years before I completed my formal graduate training as a career coach and counselor.
STEMpathy = STEM + empathy. Head and heart together, making change better.
More Testimonials
“. . . dedicated, non-judgmental, insightful, caring, and very astute.
[He] truly cares [and] ask[s] probing questions that challenge me to self-reflect.
By the time I had my interview I felt ready and empowered.
He is monumentally effective and supportive. . . . He is outstanding.”
– PhD Life Scientist